Weekly Update » October 18, 2024

October 18, 2024



Dear St'a7mes Families,

I hope this message finds you well.

I want to take a moment to congratulate all of our students who participated in the cross-country running event at Garibaldi Highlands Elementary. Your hard work and dedication truly shone through, and we are so proud of your efforts!

A special thank you goes out to Ms. Kye for her  support in working with our students. Her commitment and enthusiasm have made a significant difference in preparing our athletes for this event.

I also want to remind everyone that next Friday, October 25th, is a professional development day, and there will be no school in session.

Additionally, I would like to honor three outstanding students who have exemplified our school values of Wanáxws, Chén̓chenstway, and Tímit this week. Please join me in congratulating:

Larissa- Larissa showed tímit by always working hard and helping to create a positive atmosphere in class with her sunny attitude.

Adele - Adele showed chén̓chenstway by making her peers feel welcome.

April - April showed wanáxws by lifting others up and helping her classmates to follow classroom protocols

Finally, my apologies to families that tried to join our virtual Parent Advisory Council meeting. I am still working through the technical glitch. Once I have that sorted I will reschedule. For families interested in PAC, the intention of this first meeting would be the re-establishment of a PAC at St’a7mes School. At our first meeting we would elect an executive (Chair, Treasurer and Secretary), set objectives for the year and schedule any upcoming meetings. It is also an opportunity to hear directly from myself regarding updates of happenings at St’a7mes.

Have a great weekend. 

Take care, 

Cory Hartling
Principal, St'a7mes School

Backpack Buddies Program 
We will be offering the backpack buddies program again this year. This program allows us to send home a bag of non perishable food each week with students. If your child has not received a bag this year and you would like to participate in the program, please reach out to your child's teacher.