July 3, 2024
We can be Heros!
We come from good people. At St’a7mes school we use our strengths to support one another; we are all connected. We show kindness, treat others with dignity and respect. We care for people in need. We are connected to and we represent our family, ancestors, and community. We work with exertion and diligence.
Wanáxws ( Wan -ow - hw -s) I carry myself in a good way. Treat (someone) with respect: believe (someone); honour (someone).verb (t) |
Chén̓chenstway (Chin -chin - st - why) Together we hold each other up. We stand and work together. Uphold one another; support one another. Verb (i) |
Tímit (T-eh-mate) Perform (something) with all one’s might |
Ha7lh Skwayel Families -
Learning last week:
We had a beautiful week together last week wrapping up our year. We had gone on Friday the week before to enjoy the Sp’akw’us Feather Park together as a school. On Monday we had Matteo ran a lunch time basketball camp with Mike from Hoop Reel basketball for our students. Please see the link to register for their summer program if your child is interested: https://www.hoopreel.com/. On Tuesday we had a school Hot Dog Lunch and Water Playday in the afternoon, and on Wednesday we gathered together for our Year End Assembly where we gathered to acknowledge our work together and to send of students and staff leaving for new school communities in a good way. We had a beautiful roast beef luncheon with students and families afterward by Peter and Roy. Cory Hartling our incoming principal joined us and introduced himself to our school community. On Thursday students picked up their report cards and had closure to the year with their classmates to in circle.
Goodbyes and See You Laters -
Grade 6 acknowledgements
We like to recognize this time in the student’s life of transitioning out of childhood into adolescence and a time of preparing for adulthood. Kathleen and Katya read personalized affirmations to students in Grade 6; strengths to walk forward into their next phase of life with. We stood up Matteo, Okalani, Kaida, Cyrus, Nicholas, Damian and Jade.
Students moving forward to HSS
Many of our students will be moving forward to HSS next year. Our teachers wanted to respect their desire not to be brought to the front, so students stood at their place in the audience. Emily acknowledged their hard work and creativity and encouraged them to move them forward into their new season of learning with the strength of this good way.
Students Leaving to New School Communities -
We have some students who by a variety of circumstances are going to be leaving our school family to to join new school families. We stood these students up also. I reminded them that one can take the student out of St’a7mes, but you can’t take St’a7mes out of the kid. They will always be a part of us and carry our values of Wanaxws, Chen chen stway, and Timit with them to be gifts to their new communities, and to share this valuable knowledge and represent our family to their new families they are joining.
Teachers and Staff -
Teachers and staff who will be moving forward from our community into their next learning communities were stood up and acknowledged: Katya, Sarah, Brad, and Kalinda. We all wished them well with the good work of St’a7mes forever in the fabric of their hearts, and their legacy in ours.
A shout out to our families -
We wanted to acknowledge our families for choosing to be a part of our school communities and bringing us into the great work of supporting your children in their growth and development. We realize it is a great act of trust to bring your children into our care during the day and we take that responsibility as an honor. We want to thank families for their contribution to our community – for bringing food and give- aways to ceremony, and participating in ceremony; for volunteering, for what you bring to the classroom and teachers, for helping each other out with the care of your children, and of course for bringing your beautiful children and all the gifts they bring to add value to our community. Thank you.
A Personal Message from Me:
I also will be leaving our school family in August and joining Brackendale Elementary’s School Family as their principal next school year. At our assembly I shared that I have many feelings about this move, but the most prevalent feeling is Gratitude. And yes. You know me. I cried. I feel Gratitude for all I have learned in Ceremony – that Ceremony is pedagogy, is wellness, is healing. I feel gratitude for being a part of your story over the past four years, and having you be a part of mine. I am grateful for the knowledge I bring to my new school family. This school family has increase my wealth. When I raise my hands to ‘all my relations’ and share out – I acknowledge that the richness of what I have to share, includes the inheritance I have from you all. Thank you from my heart.
Supportive Partners Connected in Learning; Family Homework from the Principal:
Have an awesome summer connecting, adventuring, resting, reinvigorating and marveling in each other.
Information and Reminders:
Report Cards – Report cards have been uploaded to the Parent Portal on My Ed. If your child did not attend school last Thursday, hard copies can be picked up in September
When you are ready to start thinking of planning for back to school – here is some information you will want to have:
New Principal – Cory Hartling will begin August 1st as the new principal of St’a7mes School. Cory was one of the founding teachers at Learning Expeditions and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge when it comes to supporting students. This past year he has been working all over the district in Restorative Circles and supporting Restorative Practices. He is skilled, well loved, and we welcome him back to our school family enthusiastically.
Back to School - First day back at school for Grades 1-10 will be Tuesday September 3rd from 9:00 – 10:00am. Detailed information will come the week before school starts.
Kindergarten - Kindergarten students will begin on Wednesday September 4th. Entry plans have been made with the learning services team and Miss. Lindsey. If you know someone who is planning on attending kindergarten and hasn’t registered with us yet; please encourage them to register so that we can contact them and make a personalized plan for kindergarten entry with them.
School Supplies: Supplies have been preordered by teachers and families can pay on school cash online in September.
Registration information – If you have friends or family who are not currently registered but wanting to come to our school, please forward them to our district’s web page to enroll in our programs using the online web form: www.sd48seatosky.org
We have so much to look forward to. Wherever these upcoming months take you, may you be safe, healthy and well connected to those you love.
Most Sincerely,
Alysa Patching, Principal.