2022-2023 School Start-Up Information

Ha7lh Skwyle (hello) St’a7mes Families and Future St’7ames Families –

School is out for the summer!

We hope you are having a wonderful summer rigorously resting and recreating/ re-creating all while building memories and strengthening relationships with your friends and family.  We look forward to seeing you in September for our new school year. 

2022 – 2023 School Start-Up

The 2022 – 2023 school year will start on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022. At 9:00 am we will drum in students to the gym from the playground. From there, teachers will call up the students in their classes and then bring them to the classroom for first-day information and activities. Students will be dismissed at 10 am from their classroom doors. Parents may wait for students in the gym, or on the field while they are attending class. 

Kindergarten students will join us on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022. Kindergarten families will receive an email outlining further details of the first week of school and the gradual entry schedule.  

Gradual Kindergarten Entry

Wednesday, Sept 7th

First day of school for kindergarten students

9:00 – 10:30 am

Thursday, Sept 8th

Half-Day for kindergarten students

9:00 am– 12:00pm


Friday, Sept 9th

Half-Day for kindergarten students

9:00 am– 12:00pm

Monday, Sept 12th

Kindergarten students start Full Day Kindergarten

9:00 am – 3:00pm


New Registrations:

If you have friends or family interested in joining our Aya7ayulth Chet program, or Learning Expeditions Program at St’a7mes School, please direct them to our district webpage to register with the webform:  https://www.sd48seatosky.org/.


Earlier this spring St’a7mes families received an email from our transportation department about the bussing for the 22/23 school year.  Please note that St’a7mes students are eligible for courtesy ridership (with exception of families living in Valleycliff ). Please follow the link to complete the bus registration forms: https://www.sd48seatosky.org/apps/pages/schoolbus

Our office will re-open on August 29th, 2022.