Friday Update - March 4

Hello families! March is upon us!

We have been up to so much great learning out on the land this week and I could use the old saying  “March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb” to describe the way this week has been weather wise . . . but I prefer a couple of other anecdotes that are more current and could capture the essence of the story of Our learning this week.

“Encouraging a child to go out in all weather builds resilience, but more importantly it saves them from spending their life merely tolerating the ‘bad days’ in favor of a handful of ‘good ones’ ~ a life of endless expectations and conditions where happiness hinges on sunshine”.  – Nicolette Cowder (on Nature Parenting)

St’a7mes students were out on the land Tuesday and Wednesday at Xwawchayay (Pourteau Cove) collaborating with local knowledge keepers Tsitsayxemaat (Becky Cambell) and Saltsawanoxw (Aaron Williams), Oceanwise, and the Marine Life Sanctuary Society to do a interdisciplinary study of the ecosystem.  Today our school is down at the Sta’7mes waterfront with Uncle Slomish, Auntie Seysakwalia and Chiaxst’n for the Herring Ceremony. Chen kwen mantumi to all the collaborators in our learning this week.  We hold our hands up to all of you and the Creator for all the elements of the richness of the learning we’ve done this week.  Please ask your children to share the stories with you that were passed on to them to share by the knowledge keepers this week. They are much more representative than my sentimental quotes, wink wink J )  


“Nature is infinitely creative. It is always producing the possibilities of New Beginnings”. – Marianne Williamson.


Speaking of new beginnings, now that spring is upon us, so is the time to be thinking about new beginnings with Registration for our Aya7ayulh Chet (Cultural Journeys) or Learning Expeditions Programs. Registration for Don Ross Middle School or Howe Sound Secondary School (if your family is thinking of a move for your child) is also taking place now.  Please let any families, who are interested in our programs, know that now is the time to register their children for the 2022/2023 school year.  The registration forms are on our webpage. Also, if you are thinking of moving your child from our school, please be in touch as soon as possible with the office and your child’s teacher to let them know this is your family’s plan. We are doing planning for our programming for next year and this is important information for us.


On another note about beginnings, at the beginning of the day we are having a lot of kids coming into the school at the front office instead of going to the playground and entering through the classroom doors.  Please make sure that when you are dropping off your kids that you are directing them to the playground to enter the school from their classroom when the drum beats at 9:00 am.  


Have a wonderful beginning to your weekend and we will see you at the beginning of the new week!


Alysa Patching

Vice-Principal In – Charge.


MARCH 7 – 11

PAC MEETING – please join us on Tuesday, March 8th at 6:00pm in the Learning Expeditions class room.

MARCH 12-27 – SPRING BREAK  School is not in session. Enjoy the holiday!


FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAM – DO IT TOGETHER, LEARN IT TOGETHER – This is a literacy program for families with preschool and kindergarten aged children. Please find more information on the attached poster.

 “IN THE KNOW”  - ADHD ~ The Real Deal with Dr. Duncan.

Dr. Duncan will dispel the many myths surrounding ADHD by presenting up to date scientific facts about cause, prevalence, diagnosis and treatment. He will explain how and why the ADHD brain works the way it does.

This event will be offered online on 5 different days in March

To get to the events page, please click here: FamilySmart: In the Know Events 

Please select 'March' as the month, so you can see all the upcoming events listed for March. Click on the date that will work for you. This will lead you to the registration page.


How to Talk to Kids About Violence, Crime, and War: Common Sense Media gathers tips and conversation starters to help you talk to kids of different ages about the toughest topics.

Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of elementary school children: This article from the American Psychological Association can help adults guide their young children beyond fear and to resilience.

Resilience in a time of war: Tips for parents and teachers of middle school children: The American Psychological Association breaks out tips and strategies for parents and teachers of middle school-aged children.

National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides resources that can be filtered by topic or keyword and by audience with a focus on how adults can identify traumatic responses in young people and how to support them. 



I am honoured to be working on the Traditional Territory of the Sḵwxwú7mesh, Úxwumixw and St’át’yemc Nations.

Alysa Patching - Learning is an act of Courage and Optimism

Vice Principal In Charge

St’a7mes School -Aya7ayulh Chet (Cultural Journeys) and Learning Expeditions Programs

38030 Clarke Drive.
PO Box 640.

Squamish BC

V8B 0A5

Phone: 604.892.5904